Using PostHog with Rust
Exploring how to use PostHog in a Rust application to be able to improve product analytics.
Building a Simple Web Server in Rust
Building and deploying a simple web server in Rust with the Axum framework
Using Stripe Payments with Rust
Exploring how to use Stripe Payments in a Rust application so you can get paid.
Writing & Compiling WASM in Rust
Exploring how to write and compile WASM from Rust
A Full Stack SaaS Template with Loco
Exploring how to use the framework to write a SaaS, complete with payments.
Async Rust in a Nutshell
Exploring how async Rust works, async primitives and using async in Rust traits
Building a RAG Web Service with Qdrant and Rust
Diving into Retrieval Augmented Generation to help enhance your web applications
Implementing API Rate Limiting in Rust
Exploring how to implement rate limiting manually in a Rust API as well as using crates
Implementing JWT Authentication in Rust
Using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) when implementing authentication in a Rust API
Rust Tooling: 8 tools that will increase your productivity
This article takes a look at Rust tooling that helps you ship faster by boosting your productivity.
Using Clerk authentication in Rust
Part 1: Building a Rust Actix Web backend with Clerk authentication.
Using Clerk authentication in React
Part 2: Building a React frontend for the Issue Tracker app with Clerk.
Building an Uptime Monitor in Rust
This article explores how you can write and deploy an uptime monitoring web service in Rust.
Deploying Rust web applications
This article explores the different ways to deploy Rust web services and the (dis)advantages of each.
Writing a REST API in Rust
This article talks about how you can write a Rust REST API using Axum, SQLx and Postgres.
Writing Cronjobs in Rust
This article talks about how you can write cron jobs as a web service on Shuttle using the apalis cron job framework.
Using Serde in Rust
This article talks about serde, a Rust serialization library and how you can use it in applications.
Parsing JSON in Rust
This article talks about parsing JSON in Rust and compares JSON parsing libraries.
Getting Started with Tracing in Rust
This article talks about tracing in Rust and how you can use it to log activity in your Rust applications.
What is Rust and Why Should You Use It?
This article provides a deep dive into the Rust programming language and benefits, cons as well as some companies using Rust in production.
Getting Started with Loco in Rust: Part 1
This article goes into a deep dive on getting started with Loco in Rust and how you can utilise its capabilities to speed up your productivity.
Introducing Loco: The Rails of Rust
This article talks about how you can deploy to Shuttle, as well as an in-depth review of what the framework offers.
Getting Started with Actix Web in Rust
This article talks about how you can use Actix Web to write a web application, covering routing, middleware, static files and databases.
Getting Started with Rocket in Rust
This article talks about how you can use Rocket to write a web application, covering routing, middleware, static files and databases.
Writing a CLI Tool in Rust with Clap
Learn about how you can write a CLI tool with Clap by following this article. We also cover libraries that go well with Clap and example repositories.
Why Type Safety is Important
This article takes a deep dive into type safety, language features that enable type safety, and why type safety is a good idea.
Why Enums in Rust feel so much better
This article talks about what enums in Rust are, how they compare to other languages that use enums and what makes Rust enums better.
Building and Deploying A Static Site Generator
This article documents how someone built and deployed a static site generator using Rust in an hour, converting Markdown to HTML as well as adding OG tag support and CSS.
htmx, Rust & Shuttle: A New Rapid Prototyping Stack
This article details how htmx with Rust and Shuttle can speed up your workflow and let you focus on the code with the assistance of Axum and Askama.
Using GraphQL in Rust
This article details how to build a GraphQL server in Rust. We will explore using queries, mutations as well as subscriptions to make a fully working endpoint.
Rust Vs Go: A Hands-On Comparison
Rust versus Go is a controversial topic that pops up from time. In this post, we will compare both languages in the context of web development by writing a small web service which shows weather data in both languages.
Logging in Rust - How to Get Started
This article talks about the most popular logging crates in Rust and what the best one for your use case is, including both simple and more complex crates.
Writing a Web Scraper in Rust using Reqwest
Learn to leverage the power of Rust for web scraping. This article explores how you can competently create a web scraping service and host it online without hassle.